Polibienestar Research Institute


Polibienestar Research Institute which belongs to UVEG, is composed by an interdisciplinary team with more than 60 researchers with national and European experience. Polibienestar team is composed of researchers from different backgrounds who work together to study health and social phenomena, including experts in medicine, psychology, sociology, political science, social work, economics, law, educational engineering and architecture. This enables interdisciplinary research, social innovation and technology, technical advice and training in the fields of health and social policy. Polibienestar also advises the Administration and private entities in the design, planning and implementation of health and social policies and services. Polibienestar has also a wide experience in cooperation and participation in European networks due to its active role in European research and policy design.

The role

Polibienestar leads the WP5 PALLIAKID Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT).

Jorge Garcés Ferrer

Full Professor & Director of Polibienestar

Scientific Manager

Gertrudis Fornés Romero

PhD in Psychology


Laura Llop Medina

PhD in design, management and evaluation of public welfare policies


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