Developing the Integration of Heart Failure and Palliative Care Services

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What is RAPHAEL?

RAPHAEL (IntegRAting a Palliative Care ApproacH for PAtients with HEart FaiLure) is an international, multicentre research project with a patient advisory panel at its core, alongside experts in palliative care, cardiology, and primary care. RAPHAEL’s ambition is to integrate a routine palliative care approach into heart failure care pathways across Europe through homebased multidimensional symptom monitoring.

Primary Objective

To assess the acceptability, participation, applicability, adaptation, implementation, and demand of the RAPHAEL approach integrated in the HF care pathway according to patients with HF, informal carers and HCP in Europe.

Secondary Objective

To evaluate the resources needed to implement the RAPHAEL approach in one setting of each participating country of the consortium.

Secondary Objective

To qualitatively explore the experience of the implementation of the RAPHAEL approach from the perspective of patients with HF, their informal carers and the HCP involved in the intervention.

Secondary Objective

To investigate parameters for the study procedures of the stepped-wedge cluster randomized open label trial including recruitment and attrition rates, potential outcome indicators and approaches to data collection.



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Help US!

Are you a health professional working with people who have heart failure? Can you spare 5 minutes to complete a short anonymous survey?

The EU Funded RAPHAEL project is conducting an international survey to understand how palliative care is provided to people with heart failure.

If there are any issues with opening the survey, please use a ‘private’ or ‘incognito’ tab’