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University of Navarra


Brief description:
The ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care is a multidisciplinary research group formed by scientists from fields such as palliative medicine, geography, public health, humanities and statistics. We aim to promote in society and medicine a positive mindset regarding the care of patients with advanced and irreversible illness. Our main objective is to promote the global development of palliative care and through research and dissemination work, it conveys to the various social agents a vision based on the dignity of the person and professional care. 
Role within Pal-Cycles:
The University of Navarra will lead the WP4. Its aim is to assess barriers and opportunities faced during the process of both the planification and implementation of the Pal-Cycles intervention in the view of involved team leads and healthcare professionals.
banner with the photo and resume of María Arantzamendi