Dementia Care Helix

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A Helix is an international open Innovation community or collaboration group hosted on the Crowdhelix platform focused on a particular research and innovation topic. Crowdhelix is a global collaboration platform for researchers and innovators. Through the application of proprietary AI technologies, it connects universities, research centres and companies to help them develop their ideas into funding proposals and to create and exploit breakthrough collaborative projects and value chains.

The new Helix created by Crowdhelix is calibrated to support the In-Touch project through its various development stages, including post-project. In-Touch is a large, multidisciplinary collaborative project involving 13 partners from 10 different countries. Partners include research organisations, universities, people with dementia and families, nursing homes staff, and other relevant stakeholders.

The Dementia Care Helix is supported by the Crowdhelix network, which comprises over 770 organisations from 57 countries and more than 14,900 collaborators. The aim is to be involved in the helix 50 organisations by month 18 and more than 150 organisations from academia, industry, civil society and the public sector by Month 36. This diversity of stakeholders will ensure that all aspects of the project are covered and that key stakeholders remain interested throughout and beyond the project. All organisations invited to join the Dementia Palliative Care Helix will be offered free membership by Crowdhelix.

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