Charles University

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Charles University is the biggest and the oldest university in the Czech Republic. The Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (3FM CU) has, for many years, been known for its successful efforts to de-emphasis thoughtless memorization of historical medical facts in favor of developing medical critical thinking skills. This facilitates a natural professional bond between teachers and students. . Traditionally, the most active area of the research have been cardiology, neurosciences, diabetology, and metabolism, although, basic research has seen rapid growth. The research and development staff at the 3FM consistently publishes over 20 original papers per year in journals with high impact factors. International cooperation is strongly encouraged and systematically supported at the 3FM, and we recently introduced a program to motivate the best graduates to start their scientific career at our faculty.

Martin Loucka


Project lead in In-Touch project

Karolina Vlckova

PhD, MSc

Research fellow in In-Touch project

Karolina Safarikova

PhD Student

Research assistant in In-Touch project

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